(Cocktails) The Iron Gate of Jack & Charlie's 21

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Thru which is presented a vivid portrayal of a unique institution by a distinguished group of authors and artists and celebrities. 220 pp. Intro. by Francis Hunter. Illus. throughout with photographs and drawings. 11x8.25", gilt-stamped red cloth. New York: Jack Kriendler Memorial Foundation, 1950.

Issued on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of "21", one of New York City's toniest clubs (located at 21 W. 52nd St.), in memory of John Karl Kriendler, whose full-page color portrait is included. An extravagant tribute style book brimming with accolades from the noteworthy artists and writers of the time including Lucius Beebe, "Rube" Goldberg, James Montgomery Flagg, Robert Benchley (grandfather of Peter Benchley), John Steinbeck and many more. Replete not just with illustrations of the place and people who went there, but also with color ads for liquors, cars, etc., full-page portraits of pin-up girls, bawdy cartoons, and all manner of remembrances of things past. Fine.