Full title: The Nut Culturist: A Treatise on the Propagation, Planting and Cultivation of Nut-Bearing Trees and Shrubs adapted to the Climate of the United States, with the Scientific and Common Names of the Fruits Known in commerce as edible or otherwise useful nuts.
Illus. with wood engravings of nuts, and frontis. port. of Fuller, who also specialized in the strawberry. Pictorially gilt-stamped blue cloth, gilt-lettered spine. First Edition. NY: Orange Judd, 1896.
Publisher Orange Judd printed books useful to the mid- to late-19th c. farmer in the United States, often beautifully bound in gilt-decorated cloth. This volume is no exception - a beautiful book with advice on cultivating almonds, chestnuts, beechnuts, hickories, walnuts, and other American favorites. Period owner's name to title page, else near fine.