(Southern - Alabama) Moore, Amanda. Tabulated Times.

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Illustrated with wood engravings of alcohol-driven scenes for each month of the year, by Kash. Red cloth lettered in white and stamped in gold. First Edition. Mobile, AL: Chat Publishing, 1904. 

Extremely scarce, humorous book imitating Debutante and Wedding journals of the day, but with sections (to be filled in, in this case left blank) detailing His and Hers versions of "Flirted with," "Was flirted with," "Valentines Sent," "Those I would like to marry," "Cost of divorce," "Alimonies paid," etc. Alcoholic drinking levels are a large part of each tabulation. Apparently, this book was passed out as a Mardi Gras favor in Mobile, in 1904. A rare survival in bright condition. 
