*Sale* Mastering the Art of Vegan Cooking: Over 200 Delicious Recipes and Tips to Save You Money and Stock Your Pantry (Annie Shannon, Dan Shannon)
Most recipes result in leftover ingredients and servings that can be reused in multiple ways, reducing waste in your kitchen while keeping your meals fresh and flavorful. Inspired by the recipes and cost-saving techniques used during the Depression and World War II and paying a vegan homage to Julia Child, The Shannons have figured out how to get the most out of what you've already invested so that you can spend less and get more. With recipes like Korean Kimchi BBQ Burgers, Vegan Yankee Pot Roast, Not-cho Everyday Chili Dogs, and Savannah Pecan Pies, Mastering the Art of Vegan Cooking offers a way to make eating vegan both affordable and delicious.