
(Food History) Early English Recipes Selected from the Harleian Ms. 279 of about 1430 A.D. Intro. by Sir Stephen Gaselee.
$ 57.28
$ 51.79

(Southern - Corn) Tracy, S.M. Corn Culture in the South. (Plus 10 more agricultural bulletins on corn. See below)
$ 56.71
$ 50.00
![(Spoons) [Ewbank, Thomas] Hab'k. O. Westman. Transactions of the Society of Literary & Scientific Chiffonniers; being essays on Primitive Arts in Domestic Life. (Spoons) [Ewbank, Thomas] Hab'k. O. Westman. Transactions of the Society of Literary & Scientific Chiffonniers; being essays on Primitive Arts in Domestic Life.](/uploads/2025-01/ed6c74920dc445838a3480f62b79723d.webp)
(Spoons) [Ewbank, Thomas] Hab'k. O. Westman. Transactions of the Society of Literary & Scientific Chiffonniers; being essays on Primitive Arts in Domestic Life.
$ 36.85
$ 30.01

(Beer & Soda) Balaguer y Primo, Francisco D. Fabricacion de las Cervezas y Gaseosas: Cervezas en general inglesas, alemenas, austriacas, concentradas, etc.; bebidas gaseosas refrescantes; vinos, cervezas y sidras gaseosas artificiales.
$ 24.53
$ 19.49

(Brooklyn) St. Mark's M.E. Church of Brooklyn, NY. Silver Jubilee Cook Book of Tested Recipes.
$ 82.34
$ 67.04

(Fruit) A Complete Manual for the Cultivation of the Strawberry; with a Description of the Best Varieties. Also, Notices of the Raspberry, Blackberry, Currant, Gooseberry, and Grape; with directions for their cultivation.
$ 61.69
$ 49.64

(Peaches) Waugh, F.A. The American Peach Orchard: A Sketch of the Practice of Peach Growing in North America at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century.
$ 42.64
$ 34.71

(French) Nicolardot, Louis. Histoire de La Table: Curiosites Gastronomiques de tous les Temps et de touse les Pays
$ 44.92
$ 39.64

(Brooklyn) Silleck, Miss Willie, ed. Reliable Cook Book…in Aid of Industrial School and Home for Destitute Children.
$ 80.38
$ 65.08

(Vermont) Every-Day Helps. Comprising the Housewife's Guide, Diamond Cook-Book, Hand-book for the Nursery, Renovating and Renewing, Home Dyeing, Family Dairying, Domestic Cheese Making.
$ 19.45
$ 16.58

(St. Louis - Temperance) Ladies of the Pilgrim Church. The Pilgrim Housekeeper: A Collection of Tried Recipes. Ed. By Mrs. D.D. Fisher, Mrs. H. Brinsmade, and Mrs. C.W.S. Cobb
$ 37.00
$ 31.92

(Nebraska) Cook Book Prepared by the Ladies' Social Union of Stromsburg, Nebraska, in the Interest of Health, Economy, and Long Life.
$ 72.33
$ 60.55

(Connecticut) Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Methodist Cook Book.
$ 35.54
$ 31.88

(Massachusetts) Woburn Y.M.C.A. Souvenir Cook Book of World’s Fair Iowa Corn Exhibit and Festival, held under auspices of Woburn Y.M.C.A., April 18 to 25, 1894.
$ 64.23
$ 55.84

(Massachusetts) The Pocumtuc Housewife; a Guide to Domestic Cookery as it is practiced in the Connecticut Valley…by Several Ladies.
$ 79.34
$ 61.34